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Blog: 01/22/13

SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap Strengthens U.S. Semiconductor Industry, Boosts American Innovation

by Semiconductor Industry Association

With the new year upon us and the 113th Congress now underway, SIA is focused on advancing the U.S. semiconductor industry’s key policy objectives for 2013. Our industry is critical to America’s economic strength, national security and global competitiveness. SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap – outlined below – will help keep America at the forefront of […]

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Blog: 05/16/12

SIA Supports the Securing the Talent America Requires for the 21st Century (STAR) Act

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This week, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced the Securing the Talent America Requires for the 21st Century (STAR) Act, legislation intended to retain top foreign students who earn graduate degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from American universities. 

Workforce & Immigration