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Press Release: 10/06/15

Sentencing Marks Progress in Fight Against Semiconductor Counterfeiting

WASHINGTON—Oct. 6, 2015—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today applauded the work of law enforcement following the sentencing of Peter Picone, a confessed counterfeit semiconductor trafficker. Last June, Picone admitted to sending counterfeit semiconductors to the U.S. Naval Submarine Base in Connecticut, where the semiconductors were intended for […]

Blog: 05/06/15

SIA Joins Effort to Develop International Anti-counterfeiting Curriculum for Customs Officers

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Last week, SIA participated in sessions hosted by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to develop anti-counterfeiting resources for customs officers around the world. The meetings covered a broad range of counterfeit products, including semiconductors. Experts representing rights holders and customs agencies participated in the week-long development series, including customs officials from the United States, Hong […]

Blog: 12/31/14

How to Stop Counterfeit Semiconductors

by David Isaacs, Vice President, Government Affairs

Imagine if the complex electronics on a U.S. nuclear submarine were compromised by counterfeit microchips, or semiconductors. It might sound like the plot of an action film, but this story came dangerously close to being a reality. Earlier this year, a man named Peter Picone admitted that he sent counterfeit semiconductors to the U.S. Naval […]

Blog: 06/06/14

Prosecution of Counterfeit Chip Trafficker Marks Step Forward in Fight Against Semiconductor Counterfeiting

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This week, a man named Peter Picone admitted that he sent counterfeit semiconductors to the U.S. Naval Submarine Base in Connecticut, where the chips were intended for use in nuclear submarines. Picone pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit military goods. He faces up to 46 months in prison, with sentencing set […]

Blog: 05/01/14

Government Report Highlights Semiconductor Industry’s Key Intellectual Property Concerns

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The semiconductor industry plays a critical role in driving U.S. innovation. For example, American semiconductor companies invested $32 billion in research and development in 2012 – one of the greatest shares of revenue of any industry. In order to ensure that these investments continue to benefit consumers around the world, strong intellectual property rights (IPR) […]

Anti-CounterfeitingIntellectual PropertyTrade
Blog: 03/05/14

SIA Works with U.S. Customs to Combat Counterfeit Semiconductors

by Semiconductor Industry Association

America depends on semiconductors, the tiny chips that enable all electronics.  But like other products, semiconductors can be counterfeited, and these counterfeits can end up in critical consumer, industrial, medical, and military devices, potentially undermining our public safety and national security. SIA is actively working to raise awareness of these threats and to reduce the […]

Blog: 01/07/14

New Research Collaboration Will Help Combat Potential Semiconductor Security Threats

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The potential threat of security-compromised semiconductors is of growing concern to the Department of Defense, U.S. national security, and our industry. While the threat may be minimal, given the magnitude of the potential impacts, it makes sense to take steps to try to reduce these risks. SIA and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) have taken […]

Blog: 12/17/13

Government’s DNA Marking Requirement Increases Risks of Counterfeit Chips

by Semiconductor Industry Association

America runs on semiconductors, the tiny chips that enable all electronics. But like many products, semiconductors can be counterfeited, and these counterfeits can end up in critical consumer, industrial, medical, and military devices. The potential failure of these products could undermine our public safety and national security. 

Blog: 08/28/13

SIA’s New Anti-Counterfeiting White Paper: A Roadmap in the Battle Against Counterfeit Semiconductors

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Like many other products, semiconductors can be counterfeited. Counterfeiters often “harvest” semiconductor components from old circuit boards and then re-mark them to indicate they are new or that they have better performance than the original components. These counterfeit semiconductors, which may be indistinguishable from authentic semiconductors, are then sold through a network of international brokers. […]

Blog: 01/22/13

SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap Strengthens U.S. Semiconductor Industry, Boosts American Innovation

by Semiconductor Industry Association

With the new year upon us and the 113th Congress now underway, SIA is focused on advancing the U.S. semiconductor industry’s key policy objectives for 2013. Our industry is critical to America’s economic strength, national security and global competitiveness. SIA’s 2013 Policy Roadmap – outlined below – will help keep America at the forefront of […]

Anti-CounterfeitingEnvironment, Health & SafetyExport ControlIntellectual PropertyResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 11/10/11

Not Politics As Usual

by Semiconductor Industry Association

On a regular day on Capitol Hill the partisan rhetoric is at full volume, but yesterday was not a regular day.
