
Jennifer Meng

Director of Global Policy

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Blog: 03/02/23

Meeting of Semiconductor Associations from Around the World Underscores Importance of Global Chip Sector Collaboration

A U.S. Semiconductor Industry Association delegation (SIA) will travel to Xiamen, China for the 75th World Semiconductor Council Joint Steering Committee (JSTC) meetings from March 7-10. The meetings will include our industry counterparts from China, Chinese Taipei, the EU, Japan, and Korea. This will be SIA’s first trip to China since the start of COVID […]

Environment, Health & SafetyExport ControlSupply Chain SecurityTrade
Blog: 12/08/21

SIA Urges Elimination of Harmful Section 301 Tariffs

SIA on Dec. 1 submitted comments to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) urging the elimination of harmful semiconductor tariffs that are exacerbating the ongoing chip shortage and slowing our economy. As SIA explained in the submission, Section 301 tariffs on semiconductors and associated products are contributing to the current global chip […]

Blog: 09/28/21

Actions the U.S. and EU Can Take Together to Strengthen Both Regions’ Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience

High-level government officials from Washington and Brussels are set to convene in Pittsburgh tomorrow (Sept. 29) for the inaugural meeting of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC), which aims to expand and deepen trade and transatlantic investment ties. The TTC features 10 working groups set to address supply chain security, export controls, global trade […]

Domestic ManufacturingExport ControlResearchSupply Chain SecurityTrade
Blog: 06/02/21

Global Governments Ramp Up Pace of Chip Investments

The strategic significance of semiconductors and their ever-increasing importance for economic competitiveness and supply-chain resilience has become a focus for governments worldwide. The widespread global chip shortage as a result of the COVID-19 crisis in late 2020 has shown that vulnerabilities in the global semiconductor supply chain put at risk many technologies and products essential […]

Domestic ManufacturingResearch