
Blog: 01/21/20

Appropriations Law Highlights Importance of U.S. Leadership in Semiconductors

by Semiconductor Industry Association

At the close of 2019, the President signed into law the Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Act, which allocates funding for a range of federal agencies, including two – the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – that support critical semiconductor research. SIA applauds enactment of this legislation and […]

Blog: 12/10/19

USMCA Deal a Victory for High-Tech Trade

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

The White House and House Democrats today reached a deal on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), paving the way for congressional passage of the North American trade pact. SIA welcomes today’s agreement and urges swift ratification of the USMCA. The USMCA is a big win for free trade and America’s global technology leadership. The agreement will […]

Blog: 11/15/19

Congressional Commission Highlights Priorities for Advancing AI

by Semiconductor Industry Association

On Nov. 4, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) released its interim report to Congress detailing the Commission’s assessment of challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence (AI) for U.S. national security. The report includes a variety of recommendations that align with SIA policy priorities, including the need for increased research funding and […]

Emerging Technologies
Blog: 10/31/19

Senate-Approved Appropriations Bill Supports Semiconductor Research

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The Senate today approved legislation that appropriates funding for a range of federal agencies, including two – the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – that support critical semiconductor research. SIA applauds Senate passage of this bill and urges the House and Senate to work together on final […]

Blog: 09/24/19

New ITIF Report Underscores Need to Increase Semiconductor-Related Federal R&D Investments

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Given the well-documented economic research linking historical semiconductor innovation to productivity growth, policymakers should consider federal investments in semiconductor technology as a no-brainer and a very wise investment for boosting productivity and driving economic growth. A newly released ITIF report underscores this point. The report argues federal R&D investment in areas related to semiconductor technology […]

Blog: 09/09/19

SIA Commends DOE Research Initiative, Calls for Robust Federal Investments to Advance Semiconductor Technology

by Semiconductor Industry Association

In public comments submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) last week, SIA called for a major increase in funding for research to advance semiconductor technology and harness the transformative, semiconductor-enabled technologies of the future, including artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and advanced wireless networks. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry met with the SIA Board […]

Blog: 07/25/19

The 2019 SIA Databook: Your Source for Comprehensive Semiconductor Industry and Market Data

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The 2019 SIA Databook is now available!  Complete with tons of data on the global semiconductor market, the U.S. semiconductor industry, and the top end markets for semiconductors, the 2019 SIA Databook is your go-to comprehensive resource for all things semiconductors. The 2019 SIA Databook presents easy-to-understand graphics and tables of the trends in the […]

Market Data
Blog: 07/22/19

Policymakers Should Prioritize Research Investments as Appropriations Negotiations Move Forward

by Semiconductor Industry Association

President Trump today announced the administration and congressional leaders have reached agreement on a deal to raise federal spending levels and extend the debt limit for the next two years. SIA is encouraged by this announcement and urges policymakers to prioritize research funds during the appropriations process to keep America the world leader in semiconductor […]

Blog: 07/10/19

SIA Applauds House Passage of Legislation to Remove Per-Country Immigration Caps on Employment-Based Visas

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The House of Representatives today approved with strong, bipartisan support the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019” (H.R. 1044), sponsored by Reps. Lofgren (D-Calif.) and Buck (R-Colo.). The bill eliminates the unjustified and counterproductive per-country cap on employment-based visas in favor of a fair, “first come, first served” system. Passage of the bill is an […]

Workforce & Immigration
Blog: 06/21/19

SIA Testifies on Impact of Proposed 301 Tariffs on U.S. IT Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

This week, SIA testified before the International Trade Commission (ITC) on the Administration’s proposed fourth tranche of tariffs on $300 billion in trade with China as part of the Section 301 investigation into China’s unfair acts, policies, and practices. If implemented, the proposed fourth round of tariffs will encompass virtually all information technology products, including […]

Blog: 06/18/19

Congress Should Triple Federal Investments in Semiconductor Research

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

America is in a race with global competitors to win the technologies of the future, including artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and 5G and 6G wireless networks. Semiconductor innovation is the engine that drives all these promising technologies. As Congress turns to the budget, setting aside research funds to keep America the world leader in semiconductor […]

Emerging TechnologiesResearch
Blog: 06/11/19

India’s IC Imports Grew Dramatically in 2018, and U.S.-China Trade Tensions Could be a Reason

by Semiconductor Industry Association

As semiconductor supply chains begin shifting due to the U.S.-China trade conflict, could one of the beneficiaries be India? An analysis of recent trade data, as well as recent news reporting, suggest this could be the case. The increase in integrated circuit (IC) imports into India from the world in 2018 was dramatic and hard […]
