
Blog: 12/01/16

SIA Urges President-Elect Trump to Support Policies that Promote Innovation

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

SIA sent a letter to President-elect Donald Trump this week outlining a series of policy recommendations to strengthen the U.S. semiconductor industry, American innovation, and our economy. SIA’s policy plan calls for investing in basic research, enacting pro-growth corporate tax reform, ensuring free and fair access to global markets, strengthening America’s technology workforce, and promoting advanced […]

Export ControlResearchTaxTradeWorkforce & Immigration
Blog: 11/30/16

Remembering Semiconductor Industry Pioneer Erich Bloch, 1925-2016

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

SIA and the entire semiconductor community are saddened by the recent passing of Erich Bloch, former vice president at IBM, director of the National Science Foundation, and founding chairman of the Semiconductor Research Corporation. Bloch passed away on Friday, Nov. 25, 2016 at the age of 91.

Blog: 11/02/16

Government, Industry Leaders Discuss Steps to Strengthen U.S. Semiconductor Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker today gave a major policy address highlighting the strength and strategic importance of the U.S. semiconductor industry and outlining steps needed to ensure the industry remains strong and globally competitive. Following her remarks, SIA President & CEO John Neuffer and others continued the conversation with a panel discussion on the critical […]

Blog: 10/31/16

New White House Group to Tackle Semiconductor Industry Challenges: Commerce Secretary Pritzker to Discuss Future of Industry on Wednesday

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology (PCAST) today announced the launch of a new Semiconductor Working Group that will provide recommendations to PCAST to consider in its report to the President regarding current challenges facing the semiconductor industry, including the rapid rise of semiconductor capabilities abroad. SIA welcomes this timely announcement, given […]

Blog: 09/13/16

Tech Doubles Down on TPP

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

Throughout the many months of heated political rhetoric on trade this election cycle, one constant has been the unwavering and full-throated support from America’s most innovative companies for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a landmark agreement that would tear down numerous barriers to trade with Pacific Rim countries. SIA and a coalition of tech leaders today […]

Blog: 09/02/16

Recognizing the U.S. Semiconductor Workforce this Labor Day

by Semiconductor Industry Association

What better time than right before Labor Day to learn more about the U.S. semiconductor workforce, which is the backbone of an incredibly successful industry that manfactures the stuff upon which the entire digital economy rests? So before firing up the BBQ or heading out on your long weekend trip, let’s take a moment to […]

Workforce & Immigration
Blog: 08/03/16

DoD Announces Groundbreaking Policy to Stop Counterfeits

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The Department of Defense (DoD) yesterday issued a new regulation that will greatly reduce the risks of counterfeit microelectronics entering the military supply chain. SIA has long-sought changes to DoD procurement practices that lead to counterfeits and non-trustworthy microelectronics ending up in critical military systems. The new DoD rule marks a landmark victory in the […]

Blog: 08/02/16

White House Advances High-Performance Computing Initiative

by Semiconductor Industry Association

The White House last week released a new strategic plan to implement the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) – a supercomputing research effort – across government agencies. The plan calls for greater collaboration among industry, academia, and the government to build an ecosystem that will enable advancements in high-performance computing.

Blog: 07/26/16

How Are Mid-Year Semiconductor Sales Shaping Up?

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Next week, SIA will release its June 2016 global sales report (GSR), which will include global semiconductor sales totals for the first half of 2016. As we approach the halfway point in semiconductor sales for 2016, how should we assess sales performance to date, what questions should we consider ahead of next week’s GSR release, […]

Market Data
Blog: 07/19/16

Congressional Research Arm Produces Report on the U.S. Chip Industry

by Semiconductor Industry Association

A newly released report by a non-partisan research arm of Congress underscores how semiconductors’ economic and military importance has made the industry’s health a focus of congressional interest for nearly 70 years. The report, produced by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), details how the federal government played a key role in the creation and support […]

Market DataResearch
Blog: 07/01/16

Global Deal to Slash Tech Tariffs Goes into Force, but with a Hitch

by John Neuffer, President and CEO

After more than four years of often turbulent negotiations to expand the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), tariffs on roughly $1.3 trillion in trade in tech products finally start marching to zero today. All in, the agreement will boost the global economy by an estimated $190 billion annually, spur productivity in developing and developed economies, and […]

Blog: 06/29/16

SIA Applauds Chairman Brady’s Tax Reform Blueprint

by Semiconductor Industry Association

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) and House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) on Friday unveiled a blueprint to reform America’s outdated tax system. SIA applauds the Speaker, Chairman Brady, Committee members, and staff for their hard work producing this plan to advance the cause of urgently needed U.S. corporate tax reform.
